Wednesday, February 3, 2010

SHIFTING GEARS: Here is my living situation..please enjoy:)

so here is the lovely little house that i am living in. it has survived a lot of years...but it keeps me warm:)

This is my backyard overlooking Shiloh.....and briars/thickets.
Luckily it is a fully furnished house so I didn't have to move any furniture. This is my bed..i bought that lamp at target for like 7 bucks though. :)!!
a little taste of home (thanks to Jenna Day) who put together a collage of pictures for me to display in my room. It makes me miss home...and John :(
I was doing pretty good on furniture, but the room didnt have a mirror. Since there is one bathroom in a house full of four girls I have to get ready in my room. I bought this mirror at a thrift store for 5 bucks! The room had a little desk in it so I turned it into a vanity.
Meet Pimpernell (sp?) He is the cat that has apparently destroyed 5 mice to date.
The first couple of days he wasnt sure about me, but as of today he has finally warmed up to me. So much so, that he followed me all around the house today. When I walked into my room he followed behind and stayed right by my feet until he jumped up on my desk. After I snapped this shot I forced him to come down...he then jumped on my bed (see picture above). I got him off, and he decided to bite my computer chord, hide in my closet, and jump on my dresser. Consequently, Pimpernell is not allowed back in my room (at least not unattended).

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