Saturday, February 6, 2010

An encounter with jesus...and a pinch of snow..

Yesterday (February 5) was a busy/ hectic day.

primarily for this reason:

SNOW. Yes, it snowed. These pictures were only the beginning... it got worse..and worse..and worse. I had mixed feelings about it. I think I stared out the window in unbelief for at lest 30 minutes thinking, "how am I gonna drive in this?" "Am I going to have a wreck?" "Oh no! what if I get stuck or spin out of control off the road?"
I guess my roommate (from Pennsylvania) could tell I was a little nervous, so she informed me that we were lucky because it was a "warm" snow. Well, later, in the parking lot after my Commission session it did not feel "warm" when I had to push mounds and mounds of snow off my window with my bare hand while everyone else pulled out their little handy dandy snow brush and brushed it off with one little swipe. Ohhh, what a day. I do have to say, however, snow is nice to look at:)

On a different note:

I decided yesterday I am going to study Revelation.


I was at the awakening service for 6 hours last night (felt like 2). God really encountered me. He was washing me in His love in a very tangible way.

He REALLY wants His bride to know that He loves's the only way we will become a bride.

As the Lord was encountering me and people were praying for me, my mind was so offended that he would love me. He really shouldn't love me...but He does. Instead of fighting it and arguing with Him about why He shouldn't love me, I decided I would let go and allow Him to love me. He wouldn't let me go for about 3 hours..He just kept moving and moving on my heart, healing wounds, restoring my soul, and making me His all over again. I felt Him do a deep surgery on my heart concerning a wound that had been hurting for almost 2.5 years (very intense moment with the Lord). The Lord spoke truth to my heart and I felt a break through in my spirit.
After the pain of those 2.5 years began to subside, I saw Jesus embracing me really tight. My heart kept saying, "get me to my bridegroom!" "I want my bridegroom!" "Get me to Him!" Oh, in that moment, I wanted Him so bad. I'm not really sure why those phrases were coming to my mind while Jesus was embracing me, but they were coming from a place deep within my belly and I couldn't hold it in...I almost roared it. I wanted to roar felt like a roar. The Lord gently let go of me and then I saw Him hand me this long dazzling sword. I looked at the sword and I asked Him what He wanted me to do with it. I heard Him say, "never let it go."
(A sword in scripture refers to the word.. Jesus is the living Word of God.)
Soon after, some women gathered around me and prayed for me. As they were praying, I had a weird manifestation of what felt like the tip of a sword piercing my heart. It was so real that it almost hurt. I felt like it had to do with His love penetrating my heart and I could physically feel it. Jesus really met me last night and I love Him even more for it.

Emily Stone

p.s. i am going to start believing Jesus loves me/ is ravished/ undone/ overwhelmed with me (EVEN ON MY WORST DAY) whether I like it or not...and you should too.

1 comment:

  1. i loooooooooovvvve loooooooooooovvvvve looooooooove this!

    you are the bride you are the bride you are the bride!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

